David and the Lion’s Den is Done
The story ended with Howie telling us he doesn’t paint people anymore. But what does he do now? Here’s a glimpse into the past to tie up loose ends, and peek into the future to see what becomes of Howie, Hilda, Jill, Carla/Richard, and the rest of the gang. Got questions? Fire away! If I left people confused at all, I’d like to know so I can fix my manuscript.
Author’s Notes:
I moved away from Manhattan when the Highline was just an abandoned rail line that ran down to the meatpacking district. In my day, the neighborhood was largely deserted and dangerous. The idea of David and Howie setting up housekeeping there comes from some of my artist friends who actually did it. Nowadays, some people get rich selling space they bought for a song in the 90s. Which, come to think, may be fodder another novel …
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