Damn you, man!
You wrote such a good article you’ve got me reading it and now I’m in the mood to drink a delicious beer. I really love good beer, anything from a super pungent, bitter IPA to a sweet wheat ale flavored with fruit juice.
I adore dark sweet bitter stouts brewed with coffee and chocolate.
Only …
I found myself at a point where I was carefully choosing beers to go with my food for dinner some nights. Then it was every night. Then it was two. Sometimes even three.
Talk about gaining weight! I didn’t like how the extra pounds made me feel, and I worried about some of the articles that I read that said two or three drinks a day are really unhealthy.
So, I have reluctantly reduced my delicious beer drinking to an occasional treat when I go out to eat.
Which is nice, because then I enjoy it more anyway.
Then I run into your article.
You bastard. ;-)
(Actually, it is really interesting. Thanks so much for writing it.)