Conservative Americans, Republicans in particular, are consumed with controlling sex. Global warming is out of control, inflation is surging, standards of living in the developed world are declining for the first time in generations, and the Republicans want to talk about sex.
It seems sometimes that it's pretty much all they want to talk about.
They want to talk about women who choose to have sex as being irresponsible sluts. And God forbid if you're a gay man who chooses to have sex. You're a monkeypox-spreading threat to society.
Tyger Songbird published an article in Prism & Pen a couple weeks ago about Republican activist groups inserting language in party platforms opposing marriages that DON'T feature sex.
Don't want sex? Don't get married. Say the Republicans.
It's like sex is something they feel compelled to micro manage.
I don't get it. I never have. I've never understood why conservative people fear and hate sex so much.
To me, they're immature children who need to grow up. To them, dictating the sexual behavior of others is so important that almost everything else fades in significance.