Complementarianism is also the Roman Catholic Church’s philosophical justification for condemning same-sex relationships and transgender identities.
Yep, philosophical – not theological or scriptural.
The Catholic hierarchy barely care about the “clobber” passages, something that confuses a lot of LGBTQ people who are prepared to do battle on the meaning of those passages.
LGBTQ issues aside, the Roman Catholic Church is foundationally and committedly sexist. Their early philosophers invented complementarianism via the philosophy of natural law, and they have stuck to their guns since at least the 6th century.
They exclude women from clerical roles and from most practical leadership roles because of their ideas about complementarianism, and hardly at all because of what they believe the Bible says.
I bet any number of Evangelicals would be shocked that core beliefs they hold to be Biblical were actually invented outside the lens of Biblical textualism by post New Testament church leaders and thinkers who believed in continuing revelation, including through philosophy.