But I find most astonishing about Calvin — well, not about him so much as the people who revere him — is that he was so remarkably cruel. By many accounts, he ruled Geneva with an iron fist, either directly or indirectly through his religious power.
He oversaw a series of edicts that punished people rather severely for violating what he considered biblical dictates. He strictly enforced modesty standards for women, prohibited ordinary festivals and celebrations, and supported the capital punishment of his theological opponents. (He lauded himself as merciful because he wanted his theological opponents beheaded instead of burned. Nice guy! 😉)
He was by almost any objective measure a thoroughly horrible human being — a cruel, bullying authoritarian who treated women like animals.
He makes even Martin Luther's cruel streak look mild.
As an atheist who understands that Christians have no objective basis or reasoning for their god beliefs, understanding Christianity has to mean understanding Christian leaders who founded major streams of the religion.
And my understanding shows me some really awful things. It's one of the reasons I recognize that Christianity, excluding recent, fringe progressive streams, is not admirable or healthy.
Not when it's centered on values like the values that Calvin held.