Biden lies like a rug. Pretty much like every politician in the world, including senior Democrats in the United States. Remember when candidate Biden announced he would only be running for one term as president? You won't hear any Democratic leader mentioning that anymore, because it turned out to be a lie. He hasn't said he's running again for sure, but it looks like he plans to if he can, and it's very doubtful you'll ever hear anybody calling him out for his blatant lie.
But I guess I could live with the lying if Biden were effective. Hell, I could live with it if he were inspirational and led the nation, even if he didn't succeed all the time. But he just sits up there in the White House saying almost nothing and doing less.
From an LGBTQ perspective, he's a complete disaster. He baldly lied to us, promising repeatedly to make the LGBTQ Equality Act one of his top priorities. How many times did he mention it after he got elected? Maybe once or twice. Did he prioritize it with the American people, make a big deal about it from speeches in the Oval Office? No, he didn't do jack.
He said, oops it looks like we won't be able to pass it because of the filibuster.
And that's it. He dropped it.
That's not a top priority. That's Biden lying out his ass. He knew about the filibuster BEFORE he was elected, as everyone in the United States did. Based on his multiple promises, we expected him to fight hard for the Equality Act. We believed he meant what he said when he promised to make it one of his top priorities. We got jack shit.
As you probably know, LGBTQ youth are in the crosshairs of hostile state legislation across the country right now. Last week, Biden tweeted to LGBTQ youth about how he "has your back."
That was nice I guess, but the White House hasn't announced any concrete plans to do anything about that hostile state legislation. Biden himself has been silent, just sitting in the White House and saying nothing to the American people.
The response to his tweet from the Democratic rank and file was pretty hostile. It's instructive to take a look at all the people telling him to put up or shut up. We're sick of him. We're sick of his lies, of his inaction, and of his silence on critical matters.
At this critical moment in American history, we desperately needed a leader, but we got Biden instead.
You're absolutely right that all of us need to be speaking up about the Democrats, including about Biden.
Democratic leadership needs to feel the heat. They need to feel that unless they work their asses off for us, which is what we elected them to do, they're going to suffer negative consequences at the ballot office.
This is how democracy works, or how it's supposed to work. We're not supposed to be loyal. We supposed to be pressuring the people we elect to do the right thing, and threatening to throw them out of office if they don't.
What's the point of having nominal Democrats in office if they don't do anything for us?