Awesome to see you bringing up Popper's Paradox, thanks!
Lest anyone think that the culpit here is Islam and that Christianity is not nearly as much at fault, consider this:
The Roman Catholic Church to this day flatly refuses to give any woman any meaningful position of power or authority in the Church.
Men rule, and women serve. Pope Francis has flatly refused to allow women to be ordained as deacons, even though women so served in the Church's past. He's made some very minor, deck-chairs-on-the-Titanic shuffling of power at the top, but no woman in the Church has (or will have any time in the foreseeable future) the power or authority of even very minor-ranking male clerics.
When women in the Church demand change, call for equal inclusion, male clerics invariably scream, shout, and carry on like stuck pigs, or I guess like the sexist pigs that they are.
Much of the Protestant Christian world has moved past organized sexism, though they still struggle with change on the ground. But Evangelical Christians are as sexist as Roman Catholic clerics.
Evangelical churches generally subscribe to a theology called complementarianism, which is essentially a doctrine that men rule and women serve them. It's really disgusting.
Evangelical Christians scream, shout, and carry on like stuck pigs whenever women demand equality with men in church.
The simple act of a woman standing up and teaching or preaching to a mixed-sex congregation will elicit foul sexist protest. Evangelical men (and many Evangelical women, sadly) will not have equality of the sexes. They just won't.
What's going on in Iran is awesome and I hope women there keep fighting back, and I hope they win.
But I also hope Christians fight back as hard as they can about the blatant, overt sexism rotting many of their own institutions.
Religion is no excuse for discriminating against other human beings.