Another very good question to ask is how many oppressive police encounters happen that don't rise to the level of death or severe injury, but are certainly unacceptable?
In my opinion, police culture in the United States is depraved. Most police officers in the United States are morally depraved, conditioned to accept brutalizing, disrespecting, and mistreating practically everyone they come into contact with.
Videos emerge daily on YouTube of cops in the US brutalizing people, in ways that will never reach the headlines, because nobody died or suffered grievous bodily harm.
Police in the United States routinely treat the people they encounter with disdain and arrogant disrespect. They beat, tase, handcuff, and detain the people they encounter — for trivial reasons, often for no more reason that they feel that they've been "disrespected" or that their orders haven't been obeyed as quickly as they would wish them to have been obeyed.
Cop culture in the United States is out of control, and Black people and other people of color sit squarely in the crosshairs of routine police depravity.
As a people, we must do something to bring this violence under control, to get a handle on police brutality. To take back the streets as our own.
I don't know how that's going to happen, but articles like yours pointing out the depravity are unnecessary piece of the puzzle.
Thank you!