Another example is the infamous "gays against groomers, who is mostly just one transphobic gay man in New York City who apparently likes to think of himself as upper middle class and respectable, one of the "good" gays.
He's that tiresome species of gay man who urges assimilation, who doesn't like Pride parades, especially not with flashy drag queens and GoGo boys in hot pants. He certainly doesn't like those controversial trans people!
Why can't everybody just be upper middle class, white, and boring like him? At least, that's what he seems to be saying.
But, of course, freedom and equity for members of gender and sexual minorities were never brought about by "respectable" gays like him.
He and his ilk just get to enjoy the benefits that lots of us less respectable people fought so hard for.
When I saw a video of him outside the LGBT Community Center in Greenwich Village, shouting that drag queens are pedophiles, I thought about how many drag queens and trans people based their queer activism in that same building.
And there he is standing outside, heckling, screaming profanities.
The symbolism could not be more powerful.