Anglicans in North America already routinely reject Justin Welby's loud, outspoken, demonstrated-by-action homophobia. Anglicans here generally recognize (as I do) that Welby is a disgusting piece of homophobic shit.
Remember the last Lambeth Conference? When Welby disinvited the same-sex spouses of North American Anglican bishops? He did that to appease Anglican bishops who refuse to break bread with gay people.
How monstrous of them and Welby! How ... Satanic, metaphorically speaking.
If there's any way to square that kind of vicious behavior with Jesus's teachings, then I'm unaware.
We North Americans know that, and we're not afraid to tell Justin Welby that he's the antithesis of Christian.
Then, when the Lambeth conference concluded, Welby announced to the world that gay people are and will forever be recognized as sinners by his Church.
We North Americans gasped in shock as we collectively screamed at Welby to go fuck himself.
Violence against queer people here and around the globe is skyrocketing, much of it due to Christian condemnation like Welby's. The fact that the Church of England later went back on what looked like plans to approve same-sex marriage within the Church is just so much arsenic icing on a poison cake.
North America is full of mainline Protestant Christian denominations that have long abandoned the ugly and disgusting Christian tradition of morally condemning gay people, of branding us as sinners like Welby does.
So if that's your definition of a schism, then it's already happened.
And good!
The world needs far fewer disgusting homophobic pigs like Justin Welby.
We need far more people to stand up and say, "Hey, knock it off! Stop judging and start acting like Christ, already!"
I can't tell you how sickened and disgusted I am to see how evidently foul and disgusting Anglican Christians in England are. Here in North America, mainline Protestant denominations don't accept ugly homophobia like calling gay people sinnners— or they hardly do .
Less than a quarter of the membership of the United Methodist Conference here has just left so they can form separate denomination that morally condemns gay people.
Most mainline Protestants here recognize the horror in that — and that the alternative was so easy. Each congregation was going to set its own rules.
But that's not enough for the departing Methodists, who can't even bring themselves to be part of a denomination that morally affirms gay people like me.
Clearly, Christians like that are disgusting, vicious, cruel, evil people. Just like Justin Welby is disgusting, cruel, and evil.
We queer people in North America are sick and tired of it. And we can't understand why our Anglicwn peers in England enable such evil.
We utterly condemn them. We recognize how hateful they are. If they had any moral decency, they would call off the war on queer. But then, we have a lot more practicing Christians in the United States and Canada.
Maybe a larger percentage of decent humans here have remained in Anglican churches rather than leaving in disgust, like has evidently happened in England — where it often seems almost nobody's left in the Church but a pack of homophobic demons.
Is there anything to stay for? Bring the schism on.