And while we're at it, can we please see stories by the writers we follow?
A little while ago, Medium announced that they had brought back the "true following" feed for readers to see, in chronological order, the stories by the writers they follow.
I was absolutely overjoyed, and said so as much in a comment to the announcement.
Then it turned out the announcement was false. My supposed "true following" feed, while indeed in chronological order, contains only a TINY sliver of the stories by writers I follow.
Your story, the story I'm responding to right now, did not appear in my supposed "true following" feed. It did not appear in my main feed either, until just now.
That's absurd, unacceptable, and inexplicable.
If Medium wants to make readers a priority, then they absolutely must show us readers the stories by the people we follow and want to read.
Do you know why it often takes me so long to respond to one of your stories, even though I hop on reading the instant I see your stories?
Because Medium chooses not to show me your stories.
That's just awful, and it hasn't improved despite Medium's recent dishonest announcement.
Medium managers absolutely must stop being dishonest. If they make an announcement saying that true following feeds are coming back, then that must be the truth.
Medium readers and writers both have to be able to trust what Medium managers tell us. And right now, that's so far from being reality that it's a perverse joke.