And to imagine Evangelicals have the gall to criticize the Catholic idea of continuing revelation. This whole elaborate Rapture doctrine that is so central to modern Evangelical theology is pretty much just invented from whole cloth. Jesus, Hal Lindsey wrote a whole series of books hinged on pretty much nothing but his own imagination.
Yet you find Evangelicals across the spectrum treating his words as if they are gospel, almost literally gospel.
When I point out to Christians that the concept of the Rapture did not exist, was never written about in any form, before the 19th century, they look at me like I'm an idiot, like I must be lying to them. They take for granted that the Rapture rests on firm biblical foundations, and that Christians have always believed in it, or at least believed in it during the period of the early Church before Christianity became "corrupted."
You'd think that showing them that no one ever wrote about the Rapture before the 19th century would make a difference in their belief system. Sadly, it never seems to.