And let's not forget the uneducated, uninformed, often silly Christian impulse to quote verses from the Bible out of context and say they mean something the author clearly did not mean when they wrote it.
This passage isn't talking about abortion one way or the other. It has nothing to do with reproduction or reproductive freedom. Nothing whatsoever.
Nobody in the New Testament era apparently had a problem with abortion in the first place, or at least if they did they were utterly silent on the subject, and that would be strange, because it wasn't an unusual practice in their day.
It's not just jailhouse Jesus's who cite scriptural passages out of context and make them say things they don't mean. That happens constantly among modern Christians back-reading meaning into the Bible through the lens of their own contemporary values and worldview.
Preachers do it, theologians do it, everyday people do it. Constantly. And it's pretty stupid.