And he's still alive. He's an 18 year old white guy who entered a supermarket with an assault weapon executing people. And he's still alive. And he's still alive. And he's still alive.
I don't want to imply that law enforcement SHOULD summarily execute people, but it must be pointed out that they do that all the time. Cops execute Black people all the time, for traffic infractions, for refusing to identify themselves, for standing up for their civil rights, for refusing to bend the knee, and for countless other trivial, pointless reasons. Cops constantly kill Black people for no reason that makes moral, justifiable sense.
This young white dude? Cops took the time, expended serious energy, went the extra mile, to talk him into dropping his weapon so they could take him to jail instead of killing him.
I don't want to make it sound like I'm opposed to that. I think cops ought to do things like that. I think cops OUGHT to be professionals who don't execute people.
But they aren't, are they? Not usually. Not when Black people are involved.
Cops execute Black people all the time. All the time. All the time. All the time. All the time. All the time. All the time. All the time.
Our nation is broken in so many ways. Racism is endemic and epidemic, so bad most of us refuse to see it or admit it. We won't admit it even when we watch cops executing Black people in cold blood.
We had better see it now. We had better see it here. We had better admit it now. We had better stop pretending.
Because if we don't, who are we? What are we?
I leave the answer as an exercise for the reader.